Financial problems abound. Personal problems grow daily. The environment is eroding from under our feet with glaciers melting, floods, and earthquakes. You have tried everything to bring about a change except one. You have resisted calling on your personal saint. After all, you don’t really believe you have one. But, finally, things are so bad that you buy a candle, light it, call out “Help!” and wait for results. And, what results, everything changes. Write a story about any saint/s (including the New Orleans Saints) and the miracles they make/do within the limits of our contest guidelines (hoops):
HAYWARD FAULT LINE (shake us up)
1. Maximum length: 450 words.
2. The sub-theme is: transcend.
3. The setting is: Topeka, KA.
4. Within the story, you must use this bit of text: considered as.
Send us your 'knobs:
paste into comments.
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